Did you ever thought about the condition without alternating currents?, probably no way, but we may had a thought about not having the electricity.Well its in some ways related to the same situation if we are still following the concept of direct current by Edison, because there isn't any practical methods to resolve the problem encountered in transmission session.
          The success of  Rival of Edison, Nicolas Tesla is the reliability of his concept of  alternating currents for the transmission purpose.The Device for that simplifies the complexity is Transformer.Truly it was a magic in that time as a circuit transfers power between electrically isolated circuits.
       A Transformer could be defined as a device which transform power between two electrically isolated magnetically coupled network without change in power and frequency. Its could be clearly understand from the definition that its its not a magic,its the result of Mutual Induction, that is the Induction of emf in one network by the other in a  two magnetically coupled network pair,in the pair one is excited by alternating emf and other will get excited by a varying emf.

 The properties of voltage and current level variation,electrical isolation,and many other made  the applicability of transformer to various application and it could be broadly classified based on it as follows

1. Power Transformer
     In the field of electrical power transmission system there is the need of  conversion of voltage level from higher to lower and vice-versa,  so that we use transformer with soft iron core and Oil natural Air-forced cooling and having efficiency around 98%. These are mainly located at Generating stations and major substations.In India power generation is at 11kV and transmission is at higher voltages starting from 33kV,66kV,110kV,220kV and higher.

2. Distribution Transformer
     Its a similar type of  transformer used for the handling of power like Power transformers. It converts 11kV to 415V 3phase ac with a neutral for converting it to single phase ac of 240V (Delta-star transformer). As the output is of low voltage it is clear that these are located at low power requiring consumers and have good voltage regulation.

3. Instrument Transformer
     In the field of power system protection for the measurement of various quantities we have to convert the line voltage and current to a low level so that we could improve operation,practicability,  reliability of protection scheme.So that we are using the instrument transformers of names potential transformer and current transformer.
    3.a. Potential Transformer(PT)
       Its used for the conversion of  line voltage to a desired level to avoid the complexity in utilizing it.These are basically a step down transformer with low burden(rated kVA). Potential Transformer is in parallel with the line .

    3.b. Current Transformer(CT)
         Current Transformers are connected series with the line so that we get the same line current in the primary circuit.Basically these are step up transformers so that never keep a CT open circuited.
As pt these also have a low burden.

4. Pulse Transformer
      Its a typical transformer capable of transmitting rectangular electrical pulses. Which are mostly used in digital circuits,firing circuits,particle accelerators,radar systems etc.


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